
Three ways to harness smart water technologies for sustainability

We are an online community created around a smart and easy to access information hub which is focused on providing proven global and local insights about sustainability

24 Nov, 2023

This post was originally published on Sustainability Matters

Water is the essence of life, and its responsible management is crucial for the wellbeing of humanity and our planet. As the global population burgeons and climate change intensifies, water management poses increasingly complex challenges. Among these challenges is the pressing need to decarbonise water treatment activities.

Conventional water treatment processes are often energy-intensive and can contribute significantly to a manufacturer’s carbon emissions. By embracing smart water technologies, companies can significantly reduce their carbon emissions while improving their overall sustainability performance.

Here are three ways smart water technologies can enhance an organisation’s sustainability efforts:

1. Optimising resources

Efficient resource management is at the heart of sustainability. Real-time data monitoring and analytics play a pivotal role in identifying areas for improvement. With the right digital solution, organisations can monitor their water treatment processes in real time, allowing them to make data-driven decisions that optimise resource utilisation. For example, weather forecasts can be used to optimise the operations of sewers and wastewater plants, load, as well as energy and chemicals usage, such that organisations can achieve cost savings while simultaneously reducing their environmental impact.

The merits of resource optimisation are twofold: it not only drives cost reductions, but also contributes to the curbing of greenhouse gas emissions, aligning organisations with sustainable practices.

2. Improving water treatment and conservation

Advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) are game changers in every aspect of our lives, including the water industry. They enable companies to monitor and optimise water treatment processes with precision. By leveraging these technologies, organisations can prevent non-compliance issues and ensure that treated water quality remains consistently high. Moreover, smart water technologies empower businesses to manage water more effectively by identifying areas where water can be conserved, reducing wastage and supporting the preservation of this precious resource.

3. Data-driven decision-making

Data forms the bedrock of effective water management. With smart water technologies, data is transformed into actionable information for operators and managers. Key performance indicators (KPIs) can be set to provide guidance for decision-making, offering a better understanding of the plant’s operations and enabling rapid responses to water quality issues and emergencies.

By harnessing the power of data-driven decision-making, organisations can optimise their operations, improve efficiency and minimise their environmental impact.

By embracing smart water technologies, such as Veolia Water Technologies’ Hubgrade digital solution, organisations can optimise resources, improve water treatment and make data-driven decisions. The solution provides user-friendly and comprehensible data, as well as a unified platform for users to evaluate, monitor and improve process performance. By leveraging advanced technologies, like artificial intelligence and machine learning, the solution analyses data gathered from sensors that monitor the biological composition of wastewater. It can automatically fine-tune treatment parameters, such as minimising aeration or optimising chemical usage.

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Call for nationwide mattress recycling

A survey by not-for-profit mattress recycler Soft Landing Mattress Recycling has found that a majority of Australian respondents would be prepared to pay more when purchasing a new mattress if the retailer collected and recycled their old one.

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Soft Landing General Manager David Petrie said that 1.8 million old mattresses are disposed of each year in Australia. “Of these, it is estimated that over 740,000 end up in landfill. This equates to 5500 average elephants or nearly 2500 compactor trucks,” he said.

“They take up enormous amounts of space and contribute significantly to environmental pollution; it’s 22,000 tonnes of needless waste that can be reduced through responsible recycling, so it’s encouraging to see such positive consumer attitudes towards mattress recycling in Australia.”

Petrie said Soft Landing partnered with many progressive councils and retailers to provide Australians with an accessible mattress collection and recycling service but there was still much to do. “Australians are saying they’ll use mattress recycling services if they’re available — so why not give them the chance?”

ABSC CEO Kylie Roberts-Frost said that mattresses were included in the Minister’s Product Stewardship Priority List for 2023–2024 due to the significant environmental challenge they pose. “The data from Soft Landing highlights the critical need for a coordinated industry effort to address this issue comprehensively,” she said.

“Our objective is to see mattresses designed for longevity and recyclability, ensuring valuable materials are reused and waste is minimised, where reuse is not an option. This aligns with the growing consumer demand for sustainable outcomes.”

Roberts-Frost added that collaboration between ABSC-approved recyclers like Soft Landing, retailers and local councils was vital. “These partnerships will not only help reduce the number of mattresses ending up in landfills but also support consumers who are keen to make environmentally responsible choices,” she said.

“By working together, manufacturers, retailers and councils can play a pivotal role in creating a more sustainable future for the mattress industry.”

To view the full Mattresses Matter – Sustainability Survey Report, visit:

Image caption: Soft Landing is a national not-for-profit social enterprise and registered charity that collects and recycles mattresses to keep waste out of landfill while creating jobs for people experiencing barriers to work.

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