Introduction to Tony’s Chocolonely

Tony’s Chocolonely is a Dutch chocolate brand known for its unwavering commitment to ethical and sustainable practices.

Founded in 2005, the company’s mission is to create 100% slave-free chocolate, addressing child labor and exploitation in the global cocoa supply chain.

Tony’s sources its cocoa directly from West African farmers, ensuring fair prices and working conditions. The brand also advocates for industry reforms to eliminate modern slavery and promote transparency.

Beyond ethical sourcing, Tony’s Chocolonely is recognized for its innovative and playful approach, with distinctive uneven bar shapes and bold flavors that have captured the attention of conscious consumers.

As a Certified B Corp, Tony’s has embedded sustainability at the core of its business model, earning a reputation as a trailblazer in ethical consumerism.

Crazy about chocolate, serious about people

Tony's Chocolonely Inequality


Carbon Footprint, High

The search results indicate that Tony’s Chocolonely has a significantly lower carbon footprint compared to other cocoa producers in the same region, with 87% lower emissions in Ghana and 95% lower emissions in Côte d’Ivoire. This is largely due to the company’s deforestation-free supply chain.

Ecological Impact, High

Tony’s Chocolonely’s supply chain has been confirmed as deforestation-free through detailed satellite mapping and reviews, demonstrating a strong commitment to minimizing its ecological impact.

Energy Consumption, High

At their headquarters and production facilities, Tony’s Chocolonely uses energy from 100% renewable sources. For example, the cooling systems for their chocolate storage are powered by green energy, significantly reducing the overall energy consumption and environmental impact of their operations.

Freight Density, Medium

Tony’s Chocolonely redesigned its chocolate bar packaging to be flatter and more stackable, which increased the number of bars that could fit into a single shipping container. This optimization leads to fewer shipping trips and, consequently, a reduction in the carbon emissions associated with transportation.

Recycling Rates, High

The wrappers for Tony’s Chocolonely bars are made from recyclable materials. The company has launched campaigns to educate consumers on how to properly recycle the wrappers, partnering with recycling organizations to ensure the packaging does not end up in landfills.

Saving Levels, High

Tony’s Chocolonely has set ambitious science-based targets to reduce its scope 1 and 2 emissions by 42% by 2030, demonstrating a strong commitment to reducing its environmental impact.

Specific Product Monitoring, High

The search results indicate that Tony’s Chocolonely closely monitors its supply chain, including detailed satellite mapping and deforestation reviews to ensure its products are sourced in a sustainable and ethical manner.

Supply Chain Waste, High

Tony’s Chocolonely has a strong focus on addressing supply chain waste and exploitation, with a mission to create 100% slave-free chocolate. The company’s efforts have resulted in significantly lower rates of child labor compared to the industry average.

Sustainability Scorecards, High

As a certified B Corporation, Tony’s Chocolonely has embedded sustainability and impact at the core of its business model, earning a reputation as a leader in ethical consumerism.

Water Management, High

In cocoa-producing regions, Tony’s Chocolonely has funded the construction of efficient irrigation systems that reduce water usage while ensuring the cocoa plants receive the necessary hydration. These systems prevent water wastage and help in maintaining the ecological balance in cocoa farming areas.


In conclusion, Tony’s Chocolonely stands as a beacon of ethical and sustainable chocolate production. With a mission to create 100% slave-free chocolate, the company has revolutionized the industry by prioritizing fair sourcing practices and advocating for transparency and industry reforms.

Through innovative approaches, such as deforestation-free supply chains and renewable energy usage, Tony’s Chocolonely not only minimizes its environmental footprint but also sets a high standard for responsible business practices.

As a certified B Corporation, Tony’s Chocolonely commitment to sustainability and social impact is deeply ingrained in its business model, making it a trailblazer in ethical consumerism and an inspiration for conscious consumers worldwide.

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ESCP Business School Team

Research developed by five curious international ESCP Business School students who have worked together to successfully complete their consulting project. They analysed four brands in four different categories -20 brands: sneakers, pod coffee, jeans, makeup, and chocolate, according to 10 environmental criteria.
