
40% of Earth’s Land Is Now Drylands, Excluding Antarctica, Research Finds

40% of Earth’s Land Is Now Drylands, Excluding Antarctica, Research Finds

According to a new report from the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), more than three-quarters of the world’s land has become permanently dryer over the course of recent decades. A combined area half as big as Australia has gone from being humid lands to drylands – an arid area with less rain for […]
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‘Everything Is Interconnected’: Author and History Professor Sunil Amrith on Facing the Climate Crisis

‘Everything Is Interconnected’: Author and History Professor Sunil Amrith on Facing the Climate Crisis

The Burning Earth is Yale history professor Sunil Amrith’s fifth book, and his first that focuses his academic eye on the climate crisis.  “As a citizen and then as a parent,” he says, “the climate crisis just became unavoidable in my mind.” His first books, notably Crossing the Bay of Bengal and Unruly Waters, focused […]
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North Carolina Town Launches First U.S. Climate Lawsuit Against a Utility Company

North Carolina Town Launches First U.S. Climate Lawsuit Against a Utility Company

The small North Carolina town of Carrboro has initiated the country’s first climate accountability litigation against an electric utility. The lawsuit, filed on Wednesday, claims Duke Energy waged a “deception campaign” in order to obscure the climate hazards of fossil fuels. This led to delayed action in curbing planet-warming emissions, which caused the costs of […]
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