by Komoneed | Apr 20, 2023
Lisa Ertle is co-founder of the association Zeugen der Flucht, which carries out anti-racist educational work. The focus is on direct exchange between refugees and young people in schools in order to successfully break down prejudices.
The post “Personal contact is the quickest way to dissolve fears and prejudices” – INTERVIEW appeared first on GOOD – The search engine for a better world.
by Komoneed | Apr 18, 2023
Armed conflicts are on the rise in various parts across the globe. In this article, we highlight six ground-breaking civil society-led initiatives, which help to protect civilians in conflict areas and to build peace even where it seems impossible.
The post These six civil society organizations pioneer peace-building in war zones appeared first on GOOD – The search engine for a better world.
by Komoneed | Apr 17, 2023
If you go back in history, recycling started in the 9th century when the Japanese would reuse paper to make new paper. In the U.S., it wasn’t until the 17th century that cotton and linen rags were collected and reused to print newspapers and bibles. Recycling was slow to catch on and didn’t really catch on […]
by Komoneed | Mar 27, 2023
Corals have been suffering from climate change for years. In particular, the rise in water temperature can lead to coral mortality, and instead of thriving reefs, all that remains are dreary seabeds. Therefore, more and more people worldwide are committed to restoring already damaged reefs.
The post Five groundbreaking initiatives to revitalise corals appeared first on GOOD – The search engine for a better world.
by Komoneed | Mar 22, 2023
Karsten Hirsch is a social entrepreneur and founder of Plastic Fischer. His goal is to stop the global plastic pollution of the oceans. Not there, though, because much of the world’s plastic waste ends up in the sea via rivers. If their success also has to do with the fact that they are happy when others copy their open-source technology? Find out in the interview where he got the idea for the floating barriers and whether he separates waste himself.
The post „We have collected and processed over 500 tons of plastic in the last 12 months“ – INTERVIEW appeared first on GOOD – The search engine for a better world.