by Komoneed | Jul 11, 2023
Overview As lithium batteries become increasingly popular, it is essential to understand the practical implications of different styles of installation. The choice between a series or parallel configuration depends on several factors, primarily dictated by the intended application. Understanding the relationship between battery voltage, capacity, and specific applications is crucial for optimal performance. Higher power … Continued
by Komoneed | Jul 9, 2023
Heat everywhere, especially the cities are effected very hard, this phenomenon has a name called: “Urban Heat Island effect”. We talk about the definition, impact, examples for Urban Heat Island effects and show some solutions how cites can manage this uncomfortable effect. The current climate crisis is having a drastic effect on the planet. While it’s easy to place the blame on rapid deforestation and unsustainable industry, one of the largest contributors to the current climate change phenomenon is much closer to home: our cities.
by Komoneed | Jul 4, 2023
The Swedish software company ProptechOS recently published a smart city index that not only looks at how smart a city already is, but also at how well cities are equipped for a smart future. The index shows that in Europe, London and Paris are leading the way. It also looks at cities and their preparedness to become smarter in the US. Read more about the results of the index here.
by Komoneed | Jun 28, 2023
This post was originally published on We Build ValueL’articolo Food safety: Australia to build a huge fertiliser plant proviene da We Build...
by Komoneed | Jun 14, 2023
We highlight some startups and initiatives that are successfully helping people in underserved regions implement simple solutions to everyday challenges on their own. What all models have in common is helping people to help themselves and transferring knowledge.
The post Simple instructions, big impact: How DIY solutions lift people out of poverty appeared first on GOOD – The search engine for a better world.