Valuable waste: Building houses and roads from Ocean Plastic
Collecting plastic waste on beaches, riverbanks or in communities faces a major problem: Most plastics are not recyclable. However, a number of start-ups are developing innovative concepts to turn the waste into valuable construction materials.
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“It doesn’t take much to do good! Every small gesture and action makes a difference.” – INTERVIEW
Julika Diering is co-founder of the project Fish’N’Bricks. They collect plastic waste from land and sea in Indonesia and eventually process it further into plastic bricks. The aim is to give the apparently useless plastic waste a new value.
The post “It doesn’t take much to do good! Every small gesture and action makes a difference.” – INTERVIEW appeared first on GOOD – The search engine for a better world.

Work Smarter: The future of the workplace
Over the years, the sophistication of technology has brought with it, consequently, the automation of jobs. Thanks to the advancement and improvement of the internet and personal devices, connecting with different parts of the world became possible, enabling people to work from anywhere.However, technology continues to evolve, as do the ways of working. How will these advances affect the workplace? Why is it important to talk about governance to correctly develop policies around companies and workers?

What Happens to Your Recyclables After Leaving Your Curb?
Each year, the EPA collects data on waste generation and disposal, this includes the amount of recycling collected. In 2018, Americans generated 292.4 million tons of waste, which breaks down to almost five pounds of waste per person per day. Of that waste, 69 million tons were properly recycled and 25 million tons were composted. […]