by Komoneed | Sep 17, 2023
While that sounds like a lot, it’s nowhere close to enough to treat every acre that needs it.
The post The US is spending billions to reduce forest fire risks appeared first on Sustainability Times.
by Komoneed | Sep 4, 2023
By Corey Bingaman, Western Oregon Field Coordinator for the American Forest Resource Council Fuel reduction projects are often maligned by those who oppose active forest management. Critics point to the fact that, during certain conditions, no amount of fuels reduction
by Komoneed | Aug 31, 2023
This post was originally published on UNDPWith the financial backing of international partners such as Green Climate Fund, The GEF and Adaptation Fund, UNDP is working hand-in-hand with countries to adapt and build coastal resilience to climate change....
by Komoneed | Aug 31, 2023
Fall is on the way. Crisp nights, cooler days, and vivid foliage lead up to the first snowfall and wet weather. It’s a great time to go through your recycling and pick out what you need for fall-themed recycling projects. Here are five fall-themed recycling projects for all ages.Fall Flower CenterpiecesGlass jars are easy to […]
by Komoneed | Aug 31, 2023
This post was originally published on We Build ValueL’articolo Green energy: in California the Coronado Bridge lights up San Diego’s bay proviene da We Build...