by Komoneed | Sep 17, 2023
As the atmosphere warms, it can hold more moisture in the form of water vapour, which is also a greenhouse gas.
The post How water vapour is amplifying warming and making extreme weather worse appeared first on Sustainability Times.
by Komoneed | Sep 17, 2023
A few years ago, a group of scientists published a research paper that examined the role of agenda-driven science in conservation- including the chronic misinformation that is preventing our public land managers from improving the health and resiliency of our
by Komoneed | Sep 17, 2023
This post was originally published on The ConversationPhoenix Lake, Dortmund’s coolest new quarter, was once an abanonded steel mill surrounded by polluted waterways and brownfields. Frank Vincentz/Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)...
by Komoneed | Sep 17, 2023
When used correctly, disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence can improve our urban landscape for the better. Drawing from huge resource pools and using a combination of modern machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and more, artificial intelligence can be leveraged to drive efficiency and improve the quality of life for the smart cities of the smart cities tomorrow.
by Komoneed | Sep 17, 2023
The 15-Minute City Project is an information resource designed to help
access-focused urban transformations be what we need them to be: ambitious,
inclusive, measurable and effectively implemented.