
Digital Twins for Climate Change

Digital Twins for Climate Change

Twins are “two offspring produced by the same pregnancy” – but they can also be made up of two similar or connected members, as is the case with digital twins. This concept has taken urban planning by storm. Read more about digital twins for cities and how this technology can help future-proof our settlements.

What is Internet of things -IOT? Why is it important for Smart Cities?

What is Internet of things -IOT? Why is it important for Smart Cities?

Ever since the idea of a smart city was first introduced, Internet of Things technology has been a key pillar of smart city development. As technology advances and more countries embrace next-generation connectivity, IoT technology will continue to grow and have a bigger effect on the way we live.  In this article, we explore IOT and its importance for the development of smart cities.
According to numbers from the Improving Internet of Things (IoT) Security with Software-Defined Network (SDN) study, there will be more than 75.44 billion connected IoT devices by 2025. With a forecast of over 7.33 billion mobile users by 2023 and more than 1,105 million connected wearable devices users by 2022, the Internet of Things is expected to grow into one of the smartest collective and collaborative systems in history.