
Behavior-Centered Design for the Environment Virtual Training

Behavior-Centered Design for the Environment Virtual Training

Behavior-Centered Design for the Environment Virtual Training
Mon, 09/18/2023 – 17:20

Environmental and conservation organizations have deep expertise in the natural sciences. But if environmental challenges are behavioral challenges, we need a better understanding of what motivates people to change. Join us for an interactive behavior-centered design training, and gain tools and techniques for encouraging more sustainable behaviors.
About the training
Led by trainers from the Center for Behavior & the Environment, we’ll explore the steps of behavior-centered design, including framing an environmental challenge, gaining empathy with your target audience, connecting research data to behavioral insights, ideation and prototyping, and measuring the success of your behavioral intervention. Along the way, we will discuss principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion that enhance our behavior change work. You will gain a basic understanding of the levers of behavior change with which we design environmental solutions, such as emotional appeals, social influences, and choice architecture. We then begin to apply the tools of behavior-centered design to a specific case study as a team. This is a highly interactive workshop geared toward building expertise in behavioral science concepts and principles and spending meaningful time practicing and applying the insights to your own work. You will leave with an understanding of the behavior-centered design approach and ideas for applying it to your own work.

Teaser Text
Environmental and conservation organizations have deep expertise in the natural sciences. Join us for an interactive behavior-centered design training, and gain tools and techniques for encouraging more sustainable behaviors.

Event Date
Tuesday, November 28, 2023, All day

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Advanced registration required

External Link
Learn More and Register Here.

Event Format



Event Type


Climate Change
Gender and Social Inclusion

Strategic Objective


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2023-09-22 13:25:22
2023-09-22 13:25:22
Global Climate Change

Digital Twins for Climate Change

Digital Twins for Climate Change

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