by Komoneed | Nov 9, 2023
The salaries paid in the textile industry still don’t provide an adequate level of comfort for workers to exist with basic dignity, hygiene, or health. Paying a living wage is crucial for a more ethical fashion industry. Let’s look at how a living wage is calculated, how it impacts workers, and how we can all […]
The post What Is a Living Wage and How Does It Benefit Garment Workers? appeared first on Good On You.
by Komoneed | Nov 9, 2023
How to use the power of advertising for the fight against climate change.
by Komoneed | Nov 9, 2023
The U.S. Forest Service is floating a new rule to potentially grant “perpetual rights of use and occupancy” for carbon waste injection under national forests and grasslands. Such rights may include constructing extensive infrastructure such as pipelines, injection wells, and
by Grace Ebert | Nov 9, 2023
Climate science has a communication problem. Abstract data, figures, and projections into the distant future can be tough to comprehend. Without effective storytelling tools to convey the severity of the crisis and what’s at stake if we don’t act, it can be difficult to motivate the broader public to advocate for change.
The team at Open Planet wants to bridge that gap. A collaboration between Studio Silverback and Carnegie Mellon’s CREATE Lab, the new digital library contains a growing collection of climate and nature footage available for free use. More
Do stories and artists like this matter to you? Become a Colossal Member today and support independent arts publishing for as little as $5 per month. The article Open Planet Is a Growing Library of 4,500 Free Videos Documenting Nature and Climate Issues Around the World appeared first on Colossal.
by Grace Ebert | Nov 7, 2023
Roy Scholten is wrapping up a years-long printing project with dozens of playfully rendered fowl. 50 Birds is an ongoing series that uses LEGO in place of lead type to create curved beaks, long tails, and rounded bellies. With only three species—hawfinch, reed bunting, and kingfisher—remaining, The Netherlands-based artist and designer has nearly a full flock of the letterpress creatures, all nested inside 6 x 6-inch paper.
“It’s been interesting to see how the experience from earlier prints feeds back into the following ones,” he tells Colossal. More
Do stories and artists like this matter to you? Become a Colossal Member today and support independent arts publishing for as little as $5 per month. The article Play Meets Ink in Roy Scholten’s Ongoing LEGO Letterpress Bird Series appeared first on Colossal.