Farmer First Clusters: Partnerships for Sustainable Land Use in the Cerrado
This post was originally published on...
Revolutionizing rain-fed farming for food security in Sri Lanka
This post was originally published on UNDPThe CRIWMP’s innovative integrated water management model adopts a whole-of-ecosystem approach to strengthen the resilience of smallholder farmers in the Dry Zone to climate variability and extreme events by working through...
World Health Organization
This post was originally published on UNDPUNDP’s work on health is done in close partnership with WHO, including as co-sponsors of UNAIDS. The impact of the partnership, from the global to country level, illustrates how the core competencies of the UN health and...
DNA From Paw Prints in the Snow Could Help Monitor Polar Bears and Other Threatened Animals
Polar bears can be elusive and difficult to track in the wild, but scientists have come up with a new, noninvasive way to follow them — as well as other animals like snow leopards and Eurasian lynxes — using environmental DNA (eDNA) extracted from skin cells shed inside their paw prints in the snow. Monitoring […]
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