
Orangutan Observed Treating a Wound With a Medicinal Plant for the First Time

Orangutan Observed Treating a Wound With a Medicinal Plant for the First Time

Biologists have observed a Sumatran male orangutan using the sap and chewed leaves of a medicinal plant to treat an open wound on his face. While there has been previous evidence of self-medication behaviors in animals, it is the first known incident of an animal in the wild treating a wound with a “biologically active […]
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Climate Adaptation and Its Measurement: Challenges and Opportunities

Climate Adaptation and Its Measurement: Challenges and Opportunities

Climate Adaptation and Its Measurement: Challenges and Opportunities

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This document provides an overview of the challenges and current approaches to climate adaptation measurement, as well as guiding principles and their real world application for program implementation and monitoring.

Fri, 05/03/2024 – 17:48

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‘It’s Got to Be a Fight’: Author Adam Welz on Surviving Climate Breakdown and Saving Species of a ‘Tarnished Eden’

‘It’s Got to Be a Fight’: Author Adam Welz on Surviving Climate Breakdown and Saving Species of a ‘Tarnished Eden’

Adam Welz’s The End of Eden is an extraordinary document of a planet under stress. Taking a deep dive into the scientific history of our planet, Welz brings the research into the moment by exploring how species around the world are being forever altered or eliminated, in ways that few people are aware.  “Humans have […]
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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Celebrating Earth Day 2024

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Celebrating Earth Day 2024

Back in 1970, the nation’s first Earth Day occurred. About 20 million people attended events around the nation. Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson (1963 to 1981) championed Earth Day and encouraged people to fight for the environment with the same passion they had when opposing the Vietnam War. When Earth Day celebrated its 20th anniversary in 1990, […]
The post Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Celebrating Earth Day 2024 appeared first on RecycleNation.