
May 2024 Newsletter Recap: Youth-led Climate Action

May 2024 Newsletter Recap: Youth-led Climate Action

May 2024 Newsletter Recap: Youth-led Climate Action
Wed, 06/12/2024 – 19:59

Did you miss the Climatelinks May newsletter? We’ve got you covered. Please find a recap of the May ‘Youth-led Climate Action’ theme below. You won’t want to miss this short list of top resources and blogs from the month. Subscribe to our newsletter today. Do you want to contribute to the Climatelinks community? Send us a resource, blog, or event.
Today’s youth, particularly those in developing nations, will face the most severe consequences of climate change. Often frustrated by inaction, youth have become global leaders in the fight against climate change. Investing in young people is a critical part of USAID’s 2022-2030 Climate Strategy. 
Fresh Blog Posts
The “Next Generation” is Leading Now: How USAID Supports Youth-led Climate Action
With record-breaking temperatures, the increasing frequency and intensity of natural hazards, and growing food insecurity, youth engagement in climate action is more important than ever before. USAID is working to reduce the impacts of climate change on young people and empower them to lead climate action. 
Young Activists Protect Colombia’s Natural Treasures
Indigenous communities in Colombia live in some of the country’s most remote regions, which gives them a deep understanding of and connection to nature. Indigenous youth throughout the country have taken up the mantle of advocates for the health and security of their communities and planet. This blog introduces some of these impressive activists. 
Young Cambodians Take the Lead on Climate Action
Young Cambodians are powerful voices for climate action. The USAID Cambodia Green Future Activity is leveraging the enthusiasm of Cambodia’s environmentally conscious youth to advocate for social change and policy reform by uniting high school and college students to form Green Groups. These groups have been instrumental in the design and implementation of social and behavior change communications toolkits.
Youth at the Forefront of Climate Action in North Macedonia
USAID’s Youth Actively Create Opportunities Activity empowers young people in North Macedonia to take proactive measures against the impacts of climate change. It encourages youth to channel their passions and creativity towards tangible solutions for our planet’s future by supporting creative environmental awareness-raising campaigns, innovative climate solutions, and climate-related research. 
Editor’s Pick: Youth-led Climate Action Resources
To support youth-led climate action, USAID aims to increase acceptance of young people’s meaningful participation, activism, and leadership on climate action and create tangible economic opportunities for youth in climate-friendly industries. These resources, hosted on Climatelinks, provide more information on USAID’s youth and climate work. 
New Resources
Climate Strategy Data Hub
USAID’s Climate Strategy Data Hub provides information on USAID’s progress towards the six Targets laid out in its 2022-2030 Climate Strategy and the funding spent on its response to the climate crisis. In FY23, USAID budgeted $579 million for adaptation, clean energy, and sustainable landscapes programs to address the most urgent needs posed by the climate crisis. 
USAID’s Climate Work: FY 2023 Review
USAID is working with nearly 100 partner countries to combat the climate crisis during this decisive decade. In FY23, USAID supported its partners to: prevent 295 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions, help communities in more than 60 countries build their resilience to climate impacts, conserve 82 million hectares of tropical rainforests, and mobilize $16.7 billion in outside public and private finance on top of USAID’s work.
Climate Adaptation and Its Measurement: Challenges and Opportunities
Climate adaptation is an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to addressing climate change, but it can be challenging to track, monitor, and evaluate adaptation efforts. This document provides an overview of these challenges, current approaches to climate adaptation measurement, and guiding principles and their real-world application for program implementation and monitoring.
Climate Risk Management Spotlight
Climate Risk Management for USAID Projects and Activities: A Mandatory Reference for ADS Chapter 201
Almost all USAID projects and activities, whether designed by Missions or Washington Operating Units, must assess and address climate risks. This document includes an overview of climate risk management (CRM) in the program cycle; guidance on incorporating CRM into projects and activities; options for assessing climate risk; and information on monitoring, evaluation, and learning within the CRM cycle. 
Call for Content
Share your events and resources or write a blog related to an upcoming monthly theme! Check out our upcoming themes to see if your climate work aligns:

June: Youth-led Climate Action
July and August: Climate Resilience
2024 Cross-cutting Themes: Systems Change and Locally Led Development

If your USAID-related climate change work relates to these themes, Climatelinks would love to feature your work and share your resources. Send us a resource or blog.

Teaser Text
Did you miss the Climatelinks May newsletter? We’ve got you covered. Please find a recap of the May ‘Youth-led Climate Action’ theme.

Publish Date
Wed, 06/12/2024 – 12:00



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Blog Type
Blog Post

Strategic Objective





Biodiversity Conservation
Climate/Environmental Justice
Climate Strategy
Inclusive Development
Clean or Renewable Energy
Gender and Social Inclusion
Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
Land Use
Locally-Led Development
Natural Resource Management


North Macedonia


Gender and Social Inclusion

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Murwillumbah to reduce impact of stormwater flooding

Murwillumbah to reduce impact of stormwater flooding

Work has begun on a new stormwater pump station behind the levee at Murwillumbah (Brothers) Leagues Club.

The $1.626 million flood mitigation project is one of several being delivered in the Tweed Local Government Area as part of the Australian Government-funded Northern Rivers Recovery and Resilience Program (NRRRP) following the devastating floods of February and March 2022.

It is being undertaken by Tweed Shire Council in partnership with the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), the Reconstruction Authority (RA) and the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW).

“This stormwater pump station was a vital component of Council’s flood mitigation strategy for Murwillumbah and aims to reduce the impact of stormwater flooding in the area,” said Tweed Shire Council Mayor Chris Cherry.

“The pump station will not eliminate all flooding but it will reduce the frequency and magnitude of nuisance flooding due to storm events. While we can’t stop flooding from occurring, the pumps will significantly improve drainage of the area following a rain event, helping to reduce the impact of flooding on local residents and Brothers Leagues Club in the future.”

Construction of the pump station started in early May and is expected to take about three months to complete, weather permitting. Two new pumps will be installed, standing approximately two metres tall. Combined, they will be able to move almost 1000 litres of stormwater per second at full speed — the equivalent of filling up over six bathtubs of water per second.

“This project is an excellent example of how government funding can support communities in undertaking necessary steps to improve flood protection following the devastating 2022 flood events,” said Member for Richmond Justine Elliot.

“The NRRRP is delivering real projects in the Tweed which are local priorities and will ensure communities like Murwillumbah are in a better position to recover from future severe weather events.”

Under the NRRRP, $6.67 million has been awarded for several other projects supported by an additional $2 million from the RA.

These projects are:

Wharf Street pump station upgrade
Lavender Creek pump station upgrade
New pump system within east Murwillumbah levee
Detailed evacuation procedures
Alma Street modification
Earthworks across Lot 4 on Quarry Road and modification of Condong Creek.

Image caption: State Member for Lismore and NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery Janelle Saffin MP with, from left, Murwillumbah (Brothers) Leagues Club representative Dave Orr, Tweed Shire Mayor Cr Chris Cherry, Federal Member for Richmond Justine Elliot MP and Brothers’ Glenn Weaver inspecting construction of the new pump station.

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