
California Officials Praise Renewables, Battery Storage for Grid Resilience Amid Heat Wave

California Officials Praise Renewables, Battery Storage for Grid Resilience Amid Heat Wave

After a few weeks of heat advisories and even devastating wildfires, California’s power grid has faced minimal disruptions. Officials are praising the state’s long-term focus on renewable energy infrastructure and battery storage for enhancing grid stability, even in the extreme heat. “This was a good early test that we passed in very good shape,” said […]
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Hawaiian Electric and Other Defendants Reach Tentative $4 Billion Maui Wildfire Settlement

Hawaiian Electric and Other Defendants Reach Tentative $4 Billion Maui Wildfire Settlement

In a lawsuit over the Maui wildfires of August 2023, Hawaiian Electric and other defendants have tentatively agreed to a settlement of more than $4 billion. The proposed deal, which has not yet received final approval, would settle the lawsuits of thousands of businesses and homeowners against the island’s utility, Hawaiian Electric, said people familiar […]
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Low carbon beef

Low carbon beef

Low carbon beef
Wed, 07/17/2024 – 15:28

Gabriel Faria

Attribution Copyright
Copyright © 2024

Photo Caption
This photo was taken at Embrapa Agrosilvopastoral, in Sinop, MT, Brazil, in May 2024. It shows beef cattle in an experiment of integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems. This research evaluates the carbon balance of the production system, animal performance and helps to promote a more sustainable production system, with lower net emissions of greenhouse gases. It is a form of sustainable intensification of agricultural production.

Photo Location (City/Village)
Sinop/Mato Grosso



Submission Type

2024 Photo Contest

Photo Topic

Food Security

Photo Country

Photo Credit
Gabriel Faria/Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril

Contest Winner (USAID)

Contest Honorable Mention (non-USAID)

Teaser Text
This is the biggest experimental field of an integrated crop-livestock-forestry system in the world. Located in Sinop, Mato Grosso, Brazil, within the Amazon biome, it contributes to developing low-carbon production. In the picture, the cattle are enjoying the shade of the trees, reducing the warm sensation during a hot afternoon. Trees capture CO2, compensating for animals’ methane emissions.

Date Taken

Submitter (Individual Name/Organization)
Gabriel Faria/Embrapa Agrosilvopastoral

What is the connection between the activity or project depicted in the photo and climate change?
Integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems make it possible to produce meat with low carbon emissions, or with net negative emissions. Well-managed trees and pasture offset methane emissions from animals, reducing the carbon footprint of meat. In addition, the trees offer thermal comfort to the animals, making the system more resilient to rising temperatures.

Is this image connected to a USAID project?

If no, what organization is the project associated with?
Embrapa Agrosilvopastoral (Brazil)