CFDA Southern Africa Sustainable Finance Activity (SASFA)
CFDA Southern Africa Sustainable Finance Activity (SASFA)
Fri, 09/27/2024 – 13:44
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The impacts of climate change in Southern Africa increasingly jeopardize its diverse ecosystems and key economic sectors. Water shortages, increased flooding, and extreme weather events endanger agricultural productivity and wildlife habitats, particularly in the Okavango and Limpopo River basins. Southern African countries face barriers to address these threats, including limited access to funding, insufficient institutional capacity, and challenges in adopting low-carbon adaptation measures. Addressing these challenges in Southern Africa requires strengthening institutional frameworks, advancing green policies and practices, and enhancing government structures. At the same time, Southern Africa presents opportunities in eco-tourism, community-based conservation, payment for ecosystem services, and collaborations with private and international organizations to enhance biodiversity conservation, manage water resources, and promote sustainable development across the region.To bolster climate investment in Southern Africa, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Climate Finance for Development Accelerator (CFDA) has launched the Southern Africa Sustainable Finance Activity (SASFA). SASFA will prioritize mobilizing investment and creating sustainable finance ecosystems in Angola, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Namibia, and South Africa, aiming to address climate mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity conservation, and eco-friendly economic development across the region.On or around October 22, 2024, CFDA plans to issue a call for grant applications under SASFA aimed at supporting innovative and scalable models for investing in conservation, biodiversity, and sustainable landscapes through the Scalable Approaches for Investing in Nature Window (SAIN). Please see the Notice of Future Funding Opportunity (NOFFO) for more details. The purpose of the Window is to support high-potential initiatives such as nature bonds, debt-for-nature swaps, payment for ecosystem services, results-based finance, and other innovative nature-based solutions and financial mechanisms that can be launched, scaled, or replicated effectively to enhance their impact on nature conservation and sustainability in the target countries. High-quality, high-integrity projects that adhere to global principles that generate revenue from sustainable financing, e.g., carbon credits, biodiversity credits, are welcome. CFDA anticipates issuing 3-5 grant awards that range from $200,000 to $500,000 USD. Exceptionally impactful, scalable, and innovative concepts may be considered for funding over this range. CFDA is unable to award a U.S.-based partner a grant valued over $500,000 under any circumstances. SASFA is an activity under USAID’s Climate Finance for Development Accelerator (CFDA), USAID’s flagship initiative to increase climate investment in emerging markets and developing economies. To receive updates and partnership opportunities regarding SAIN, please join the Climate Finance Investment Network (CFIN) or reach out to CFDA at info@CFDAccelerator.com.
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