This post was originally published on Green Biz
Source: Green Biz
Date/Time: December 12, 2023 (2-3PM ET / 11AM-12PM PT)
With new regulations and investment decisions requiring more and better ESG data, has responded with new data and solutions.
Procurement teams have a critical role to play in the environmental and social impact of companies today. To play this role, procurement teams need to provide meaningful and transparent supply chain data. That may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. In this session we’ll cover some of the drivers for ESG and sustainability reporting, how leading organizations are taking action today, and how can help.
Topics covered will include:
Industry drivers for ESG
The critical role of procurement
Data and sources available
How some procurement leaders are responding
Learn how you can leverage new technologies and ways of working with your supply chain to ensure you’re getting high-quality environmental and social data that’s accurate and stands to scrutiny.
John Davies, SVP, Executive Network, GreenBiz
Valerie Tardif, VP of Product,
Aylin Basom, CEO,
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