
Scientists Develop a Feeding Tool for Coral Reef Restoration

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11 Feb, 2025

This post was originally published on Eco Watch

Scientists at The Ohio State University have developed a new device known as Underwater Zooplankton Enhancement Light Array (UZELA), which will help promote more feeding sources for coral restoration.

UZELA is a submersible, programmable light that can be deployed at a site for up to six months on one battery. If the devices need any maintenance, trained divers can easily handle this. UZELA turns on for about one hour per night, and the emitted light helps increase concentrations of zooplankton while minimizing artificial light disruption to other marine species. This allows corals more feeding opportunities, according to the scientists. 

The team tested the device near two native corals in Hawaii, Montipora capitata and Porites compressa. After running the UZELA, the amount of locally concentrated zooplankton increased seven-fold, while the coral feeding rates increased between 10- and 50-fold. The scientists published their findings in the journal Limnology and Oceanography: Methods.

“Coral reefs house one-third of all marine species, yet occupy less than 1% of the ocean,” Andréa Grottoli, lead author of the study and earth sciences professor at The Ohio State University, said in a statement. “They are disproportionately responsible for ocean health and we’re at risk of losing them.”

Coral reefs are threatened by extreme heat stress. Last year, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) warned that the world was experiencing its fourth mass coral bleaching event, which is when the corals lose symbiotic algae that provide nutrients to the corals because of extreme heat. From February 2023 to April 2024, NOAA found that about 60.5% of global corals had experienced bleaching. 

Bleaching can make coral more vulnerable to disease and die-off, and water temperature and conditions must return to normal for algae to return to coral. However, by concentrating zooplankton near coral, they can feed and obtain nutrients to help their road to recovery.

With such great threats facing coral reefs, the study authors noted that UZELA is only one temporary solution to the plight of reef systems. For now, it could work in some of the most vulnerable and important reef systems to boost restoration efforts until more substantial actions are taken to minimize stressors that trigger bleaching.

Labeled (a) top view of lens cap (7cm diameter) and (b) and (c) side view (20cm tall) photographs of UZELA (Underwater Zooplankton Enhancement Light Array) (Grottoli, Jackson, and Steck 2023, PCT/US2023/078357). Photos by AM Hulver

“Think of it as a band-aid for about a couple decades,” Grottoli said. “It can protect some corals in some places, sometimes.”

Currently the UZELA devices are made by hand, but the scientists are collaborating with a local engineering company to redesign UZELA for scalability. The updated device could be ready within one to three years, according to Grottoli.

“We are not mitigating climate change fast enough to save coral, and UZELA is not going to instantly save coral reefs,” Grottoli said. “But it is an exciting solution that will buy us time as we work toward a more sustainable environment.”

First paper ever alert! We found that locally increasing zooplankton using the Underwater Zooplankton Enhancement Light Array (UZELA) can increase feeding in two Hawaiian coral species up to tenfold.…

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— Shannon Dixon ( February 6, 2025 at 3:15 PM

The post Scientists Develop a Feeding Tool for Coral Reef Restoration appeared first on EcoWatch.

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Sustainability compliance should not be seen as a cost

Sustainability compliance should not be seen as a cost

The challenges of meeting new corporate sustainability reporting requirements are creating concerns across industries, but Schneider Electric’s Lisa Zembrodt says organisations should focus on the positives of compliance.

Zembrodt leads Schneider Electric’s Sustainability Business division, which assists many of Australia’s leading corporations to increase energy efficiency, reduce costs, adopt renewables and map their energy transition pathway.

Speaking to corporate leaders at Schneider Electric’s Innovation Summit in Sydney, Zembrodt said there was too much negativity in current debates over energy and sustainability, including focusing on the complexity and costs of compliance.

“We should turn these perspectives around and look at the opportunities in companies understanding their energy consumption and processes and using technology to drive efficiency. With compliance should come cost savings.”

The new Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards are mandatory and comprehensive, described by ASIC chair Joe Longo as the biggest change to corporate reporting in a generation. They carry penalties for non-compliance and will be closely monitored by investors and stakeholders.

The requirements came into effect for major companies from January and will be gradually rolled out. It involves more than putting data into a report and committing to emissions cuts, said Zembrodt.

“It’s about understanding the impact that climate has on an organisation, its markets and its supply chain. It’s putting in place plans to mitigate the risks, adapt and take advantage of the opportunities.

“Many entities today don’t have a transition plan; simply by requiring a plan to be created, the laws encourage companies to act,” said Zembrodt. “Organisations can gain competitive advantage from complying with the standards and set their strategies to capture the opportunity.

“Sustainability Business has been advising our customers on many areas of energy and sustainability for over 25 years, globally we work with 40% of the Fortune 500, working on everything from ESG reporting and disclosures to decarbonisation strategies and their implementation.

“Improving energy and resource efficiency creates cost savings,” she said. “Investing in renewable generation, storage, microgrids and demand response ensures the security and resilience of power supplies and can reduce energy costs in the long term.

“We’re advising companies on how to be more efficient, how to eliminate the use of fossil fuels in their fleets and their operations and, of course, we advise on how to switch to renewables.”

She points out that new technology and the evolution of power generation create opportunities and risks around energy sourcing. The influx of renewable projects in Australia has made buying renewables much easier than it was a decade ago.

Increased scrutiny and knowledge of business operations can bring additional and unexpected benefits.

“We’ve found that management of energy and energy supply contracts brings cost savings — these are often low-hanging fruit,” said Zembrodt.

“In 2024 we identified $6.7 million of errors in energy invoices for our clients. There’s absolutely no reason any company should overpay for energy.”

She also observed the increasing pressure from stakeholders and investors to progress sustainability, with a real impact on a corporation’s capacity to raise capital if it was not seen to be taking a positive approach.

Zembrodt acknowledged the sometimes-contentious issue of carbon offsets and emphasised they should not be used by companies to avoid actual emissions reduction in their operations. Some organisations were rightly walking away from dubious, generic offset schemes, she said.

However, targeted and documented offset programs had a vital role to play in hard to abate sectors where it was impractical to immediately cut emissions, she said.

“In Australia, the government has put a requirement called the safeguard mechanism on the highest-emitting facilities to buy carbon offsets if they can’t reduce their emissions. We can help to ensure the offsets procured have a positive impact on people and ecosystems.

“Did you know we supported the Paris Olympics with carbon offsets? Part of this included choosing three projects to support through carbon offset purchase for the Paris Olympics. People at the equator are most affected by climate change, so projects in that region are incredibly impactful in a positive way and that’s where we focused our attention.

“The first is mangrove restoration in Senegal, which involved 350 villages and 100,000 people. The second is water well restoration in Rwanda, which gives people safe drinking water nearby but also means emissions from burning wood to boil water are reduced. The third project is a 50 MW solar farm in Vietnam.

“However, we urgently need real emissions reductions. While it is positively impactful that companies invest in gold-standard carbon offset projects, it cannot come at the expense of action to decarbonise.”

Zembrodt pointed to recent extreme weather events as demonstrating how critical taking action on emissions was. “We’ve just seen the Queensland and NSW coastlines buffeted by a major cyclone, while in LA, this year’s devastating bushfires caused an estimated cost bill of more than $250 billion. And it’s not just the physical damage; medical and social costs follow, and let’s see the impact on insurance costs.”

Across the nation, we need to electrify processes wherever possible, and maximise renewable generation, she said. Those electrified processes also need to be made as efficient and optimised as possible through digitisation, monitoring and AI.

“The time to act is now,” she said. “70% of emissions can be eliminated today with the technologies we already have available to us.”

Image caption: Lisa Zembrodt, Principal and Senior Director, Schneider Electric Sustainability Business.