
Oxygenation trial to restore Darling River biodiversity

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15 Feb, 2024

This post was originally published on Sustainability Matters

In recent years, mass fish deaths have occurred in the Darling River as a result of low dissolved oxygen levels caused by weather conditions and changes in local waterways.

Gas and engineering company BOC, a Linde company, is embarking on an oxygenation trial with WaterNSW in Menindee, NSW, in order to address this problem.

During the trial, BOC will use patented Linde SOLVOX technology to pump oxygenated water into one section of the river with the aim of boosting dissolved oxygen levels downstream. Early data has already indicated positive changes in downstream dissolved oxygen levels. There are plans to expand the trial if it proves successful.

Linde SOLVOX is a microbubble oxygenation system that can be used flexibly in open and closed aquaculture systems. Oxygen flow rates and operational modes can be controlled remotely, significantly improving the ability to respond to real-time changes in water quality to reduce risk to fish health.

BOC has a 20-year history of oxygenating river systems in Australia to enhance water quality and biodiversity, including the Swan and Canning Rivers in Western Australia and the Murray River in South Australia. BOC UK has also previously provided oxygenation solutions for the River Thames.

Head of BOC Australia Theo Martin said BOC was proud to work with WaterNSW on this NSW-first trial and deploy its Linde SOLVOX dropin oxygenation technology along one of Australia’s longest rivers.

“BOC is committed to delivering sustainable solutions for our customers and the community. The Darling River is a crucial part of our state’s biodiversity, and it’s exciting BOC expertise is helping to boost biodiversity in regional NSW. We are working closely with our communities, including WaterNSW, to ensure this innovative trial delivers significant improvements in oxygen levels at Menindee,” Martin said.

For more information about BOC, visit

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