
November 2024 Newsletter Recap: COP29

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29 Nov, 2024

This post was originally published on Climate Links

November 2024 Newsletter Recap: COP29
Wed, 11/27/2024 – 14:14

Did you miss the Climatelinks November newsletter? We’ve got you covered. Please find a recap of the November ‘COP29’ theme below. You won’t want to miss this short list of top resources and blogs from the month. Subscribe to our newsletter today. Do you want to contribute to the Climatelinks community? Send us a resource, blog, or event.

The 29th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference, or Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC, ended last week in Baku, Azerbaijan. COP29 was an opportunity for governments, NGOs, public and private businesses, and civil society to make ambitious climate pledges. At previous COPs, USAID launched or announced its participation in a variety of climate initiatives that work towards building a more climate-secure future. 

Fresh Blog Posts

Two Years, $380+ Million: Lessons Learned from USAID’s Climate Finance for Development Accelerator

At COP26, USAID’s Climate Finance for Development Accelerator (CFDA) launched with a goal of mobilizing $2.5 billion in public and private investment for climate by 2030. In two years of operations, CFDA has mobilized $380.7 million in sustainable investments and worked with partners to strengthen local ecosystems in over 60 countries. This blog outlines some of CFDA’s biggest lessons learned for catalyzing investment in the climate finance space. 

Bridging the Adaptation Finance Gap Across Africa

Climate finance was a popular topic of conversation for governments, donors, and other stakeholders at COP29. In Africa, limited capacity and resources to develop proposals coupled with complex proposal requirements and high competition for limited funds have resulted in only a fraction of the available climate adaptation funding reaching the region. The African Adaptation Initiative, launched at COP21 and supported by USAID’s Climate Adaptation Support Activity, is working to bridge this climate finance gap.

Empowering Female Farmers: Introducing Solar Water Pumps in Rural Senegal

At COP29, one of the thematic days was focused on food, agriculture, and water in recognition that these sectors are both threatened by climate change and have a role to play in providing solutions to the crisis. USAID’s Scaling Up Renewable Energy Senegal program works at the intersection of agriculture, water, and energy through its efforts to expand access to solar solutions that increase the productivity of small businesses and enhance the livelihoods of rural communities.

Accessible Data Makes Renewable Energy Projects Possible Worldwide

Energy and science, technology, innovation, and digitalization were two of the thematic days at COP29. One example of how digital technologies can promote clean energy and address the climate crisis is the USAID-National Renewable Energy Laboratory Partnership’s Renewable Energy Data Explore. This geospatial analysis tool provides free global renewable energy resource data to inform policy, investment, and deployment decisions for solar, wind, and other energy resources.

Beyond Blueprints: Accelerate Implementation Now

USAID’s Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative (CACCI) was launched at COP26 with the goal of identifying promising mitigation and adaptation investment opportunities with private sector partners to help countries meet their climate commitments and strengthen their climate resilience. Since then, CACCI has made progress on several fronts, including by increasing climate policy ambition, mobilizing the private sector, enhancing accountability and transparency, and bridging the gap between intention and results.

Tracking Impact: A Look Back at Past COP Initiatives Ahead of COP29

The annual COP is a chance to take stock of what progress has been made to meet climate goals. At previous COPs, USAID has launched climate initiatives related to climate finance, resilience, climate risk management, and more. This roundup of recent Climatelinks blogs highlights the progress driven by some of these initiatives. 

New Resources

USAID 2024 Climate Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Series

USAID programs with climate change benefits are required to report against a set of standard indicators. The 2024 Climate MEL webinar series was developed to improve reporting on these indicators. USAID staff and implementing partners are encouraged to review this series to explore key climate reporting topics, gain knowledge to inform annual reporting processes, and learn tips and tricks for navigating reporting and ensuring the quality of data in technical areas.

Sustainable Banking Alliance Learning Report: Engaging Local Financial Institutions to Integrate Climate Finance Best Practices

At COP27, USAID announced the launch of the Sustainable Banking Alliance (SBA), an initiative that partners with banks and microfinanciers to increase access to climate finance, promote the integration of climate finance best practices, and increase climate investments. This “how-to guide” builds on lessons learned from SBA initiatives in Colombia and Egypt and provides guidance to USAID, specifically to Mission staff, on how to engage with financial institutions to integrate climate finance best practices.

Investing in Resilience: Blue Carbon Ecosystems, Communities, and Finance for the Indo-Pacific

“Blue carbon” is carbon stored by coastal and marine ecosystems, such as mangroves, seagrass beds, coastal wetlands and marshes, tidal flats, and by marine organisms themselves. USAID’s Investing in Resilience report brings together evidence and analyses that can help USAID Mission staff, partners, host country governments, and communities advance blue carbon initiatives in the Indo-Pacific region.

Livelihood-Focused Climate Risk Assessment: Stress Testing Livelihood Options in the World’s Largest Terrestrial Transboundary Conservation Area

Climate change impacts are already being felt across the Kavango Zambezi (KAZA) Transfrontier Conservation Area. In recent years, residents have reported significant impacts to their livelihoods due to a combination of decreased rainfall, higher incidences of drought, changes in the timing of seasons, more hotter days and heat waves, and dwindling supplies of water. This Climate Risk Assessment seeks to answer how and in what ways a changing climate limits progress towards diversifying livelihoods for KAZA’s resident communities.

Climate Risk Management Spotlight

Climate Risk Management Resources and Training

Climate Risk Management (CRM) enhances the resilience and sustainability of USAID’s initiatives. By systematically assessing, addressing, and adaptively managing climate risks, CRM ensures effective use of U.S. taxpayer dollars. To promote CRM, USAID has produced a variety of resources and online trainings.

Call for Content

Share your events and resources or write a blog related to an upcoming monthly theme! Check out our upcoming themes to see if your climate work aligns:

  • December 2024: Year in Review
  • 2024 Cross-cutting Themes: Systems Change and Locally Led Development
  • January 2025: Innovation

If your USAID-related climate change work relates to these themes, Climatelinks would love to feature your work and share your resources. Send us a resource or blog.

Teaser Text

Here’s a recap of the November ‘COP29’ theme. You won’t want to miss this short list of top resources and blogs from the month.

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Wed, 11/27/2024 – 12:00


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Australasian Waste Recycling Expo debuts as ReGen at ICC

Australasian Waste Recycling Expo debuts as ReGen at ICC

Australia’s circular resource exhibitors, buyers and thought leaders are set to attend ReGen | Australia’s Circular Resource Expo, taking place on 23–24 July 2025 at ICC Sydney.

The two-day trade event, organised by Diversified Australia, marks the evolution of what was previously known as the Australasian Waste Recycling Expo, a longstanding brand dedicated to resource management and waste reduction for over 15 years.

The rebrand to ReGen reflects the expo’s expanded scope and emphasis on the circular economy, welcoming an array of innovative exhibitors, experts and emerging professionals committed to reducing waste, promoting resource efficiency and fostering sustainable markets.

“At Diversified Australia, we’re proud to produce events that drive positive industry change,” said Ali Lawes, event director for ReGen at Diversified.

“ReGen embodies our commitment to equip and empower industry leaders and practitioners in support of Australia’s ambitious 2035 targets for waste elimination, resource circulation, and pollution reduction.”

ReGen will showcase technical displays, offer vital industry insights and feature keynote addresses, panel discussions and networking opportunities.

The program aims to help attendees — from seasoned experts to newcomers — navigate their roles in creating a circular economy that keeps resources in use, minimises waste and regenerates natural systems.

As part of its evolution, ReGen will incorporate Circularity, Australia’s original circular economy conference, into its 2025 education program.

Since its launch in 2022, Circularity has served as a platform for industry practitioners to discuss Australia’s transition to a circular economy.

Now integrated into ReGen, Circularity will reach a broader audience, offering free sessions on topics such as circular product design and sustainable waste management — ensuring these critical insights remain accessible to all attendees.

For the last three years Circularity has been proudly presented by Planet Ark’s Australian Circular Economy Hub in partnership with Diversified Australia.

Planet Ark CEO Rebecca Gilling said that integrating the country’s leading circular economy event into ReGen would offer even more impactful opportunities to drive Australia’s circular transition.

“The inclusion of Circularity into ReGen is a significant step forward in promoting circular economy principles on a national scale in collaboration with the waste and recycling industry,” Gilling said.

“At Planet Ark, we are thrilled to see Circularity evolve into a broader platform, ensuring critical conversations about sustainable resource management and circular product design reach more professionals and innovators than ever before. This partnership underscores the importance of collaboration in building a circular Australia.”

The expo’s name, ReGen, represents both the regenerative practices it champions and the generational transformation required to meet sustainability goals.

ReGen invites participants to “Rethink, Redesign, Repurpose, and Renew” as they contribute to a circular and sustainable future for Australia.

For more information and to register, visit

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