
Companies are sensitive to customer feedback – Interview with Jennifer Timrott

We are an online community created around a smart and easy to access information hub which is focused on providing proven global and local insights about sustainability

28 Oct, 2024

This post was originally published on Good Search

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©Küste gegen Plastik e.V.

Jennifer Timrott is a unique environmental activist. She mobilizes consumers to fight against unnecessary plastic or disposable packaging – smartly via an app.

With the ReplacePlastic and its new sister application, the Replace Oneway Packaging App (ReplaceEinweg), consumers can provide companies who sell goods with unsustainable packaging, with a simple message: Please reconsider your packaging solution! It’s easy as 1-2-3. The consumer simply scans the barcode on the packaging, directly in the supermarket or easy at home. The non-profit “Küste gegen Plastik” (coast against plastic) who operates the apps, bundles the feedback and forwards it to the producers. The scheme is very successful: More than 2 million product scans have been submitted through the ReplacePlastic App, providing companies with valuable consumer feedback.

What problem are you solving with the Replace Einweg App? Why is your specific solution needed for this?

Many people already desire sustainable packaging solutions. This desire for an end to single-use plastics and the need for reusable solutions that are readily available and usable for all people must be communicated more strongly to manufacturing companies. With the Replace Einweg App, people scan the barcode of products in disposable packaging to tell companies: I want a reusable solution for this.

What did you do before starting your current project/company?

I was a nurse and digital concepter in an advertising agency.

What or who motivated you to become a social entrepreneur?

The plastic waste on our coasts.

Which of your successes are particularly memorable to you?

Companies are sensitive to customer feedback and together we are making an impact! Our first app ReplacePlastic is being used extensively and over 2 million product scans have been received, for which we have passed on the wishes for change to companies, and companies have responded by changing their packaging.

Were there moments that were particularly challenging and what did you learn from them?

Sometimes we wish we could initiate changes much faster. We have learned a lot about the interdependencies between businesses, customers, and politics. It’s like drilling through thick boards.

© Jennifer Timrott | Küste gegen Plastik e.V. 

„Together we are making an impact! Our first app ReplacePlastic is being used extensively and over 2 million product scans have been received, for which we have passed on the wishes for change to companies, and companies have responded by changing their packaging.”

— Jennifer Timrott, Verein Küste gegen Plastik e.V. 

What are the plans for the future?

We continue to fight for the reduction of single-use plastic production and focus even more clearly on reusable solutions as the answer, to decisively counter the evasive moves towards other disposable materials.

What do you wish you had known before starting your project/company? What advice would you give to others?

That work on our databases never stops and requires continuous daily effort. My advice: don’t expect miracles right away. Look back from time to time and appreciate how far you’ve come, even if the big goals still seem far away.

Which podcast do you listen to regularly? Which book is an absolute must-read for you personally?

I often listen to Corporate Therapy and Wohlstand für alle. Book: Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer.

What are your tips for doing good in everyday life? And where do you yourself find it difficult to live sustainably?

I think it’s important to share the world and, for example, allow some wilderness in the garden so that other living beings can feel at home in it. I find sustainable living very difficult when shopping, for example, because I would like to buy many more things in reusable packaging, which is often not offered at all. That’s why it’s important to me to be able to express with our apps: I want a different solution for this.

Which organization or start-up impresses you particularly and is a true role model for you?

I find organizations that advocate for more citizen participation important, for example, Mehr Demokratie e.V. I believe that for sustainable changes in our lives, work, and economy, we all need to have a say so that change can succeed.

Complete this sentence: The world needs more……


You can find out more about Replace Einweg on our project page:

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Australian Open exceeds single-use waste reduction targets

Australian Open exceeds single-use waste reduction targets

Single-use waste reduction targets have been exceeded at this year’s Australian Open, with Tennis Australia’s projection of 100,000 reusable items washed increased by almost 37,000.

Through the partnership between Sustainability Victoria and Tennis Australia, thousands of reusable cups, made by Victorian company bettercup, replaced single-use cups in the Courtside Bar and bars around Garden Square.

With additional reusable cups, bowls and plates served by vendors, the event saw a record-breaking 136,932 items washed for reuse, nearly doubling the result from last year’s event.

During the three-week tournament, the dishwashing team from Green My Plate collected, washed and returned over 69,000 bettercups alone, representing 552 kg of single-use cups avoided.

Matt Genever, Sustainability Victoria CEO, said, “It’s fantastic that so many people embraced the reusable cups at AO25, diverting waste from landfill and reducing their environmental impact.

“The simplicity of the model was key to its success. Patrons enjoyed their drinks in the reusable cups then dropped them at clearly marked collection points for washing.

“The reusable bettercups will also be repurposed for other events across Victoria, providing a long-term solution to waste reduction.”

The reusables bin at the Australian Open 2025 (AO25). Image: Supplied.

Tennis Australia’s Director of Sustainability, Matthew Nicholas, said, “We’re proud of the steps we’re taking to reduce single-use consumption at the Australian Open.

“On top of the almost 137,000 single-use items diverted from waste streams through the AO Reusables program, we recycled over 74 tonnes of glass and 64 tonnes of cardboard. We also tackled more challenging tournament-specific waste streams, sending approximately 16,000 tennis ball tubes and 5 km of nylon racquet string offcuts to dedicated recycling pilots.”

Sustainability Victoria will continue to support Tennis Australia in its future sustainability strategy as Victoria transitions to a circular economy with less waste and emissions.

Top image: Supplied.

Climate Zero and Carbon Neutral partner to reach net zero

Climate Zero and Carbon Neutral partner to reach net zero

A new partnership between Climate Zero and Carbon Neutral brings carbon accounting and offsets together, making sustainability gains easier for Australian businesses.

The partnership means businesses using Climate Zero’s carbon accounting software to measure, reduce and report on emissions can now also offset from the platform, making it easier for businesses of all sizes to progress their sustainability goals.

Climate Zero Managing Director Tai Lennon said the partnership reflected the company’s mission to remove barriers between businesses and net zero.

“Like anything, corporate sustainability is easier with the right tools and support. We’ve been helping businesses measure and reduce emissions for more than 15 years and now, with Carbon Neutral’s partnership, they can easily compare, choose and purchase high-integrity carbon credits and track their impact — all within our platform,” Lennon said.

Carbon Neutral CEO Phil Ireland agreed and said the partnership was a natural collaboration that made it easier for businesses to have a positive impact.

“With the ability to measure, offset and report on emissions all in one place, we’re not only removing administrative barriers but also making it easier for businesses of all sizes to take credible climate action,” Ireland said.

The partnership is said to reflect the need for a multi-faceted approach to corporate sustainability because of greenhouse gas emissions already locked into the atmosphere, requiring sequestering and nature-based regeneration.

“While reducing emissions remains the top priority to help our economy shift from depletion to regeneration, there will always be residual emissions that an organisation simply cannot reduce,” Lennon said.

“We’ve done our research and partnered with Carbon Neutral because we have seen first-hand the impact their projects are having not just to generate carbon credits but also to restore native landscapes, preserve biodiversity, return land to Traditional Owners and permanently remove carbon from the atmosphere.

“Our partnership is based on trust and integrity, because if you’re serious about reducing emissions, your offsets should be as real as your commitments.”

Image caption: Carbon Neutral CEO Phil Ireland with Climate Zero Managing Director Tai Lennon and Chief Product Officer Jess Symes.