
Climatelinks 2024 Year in Review: Resources You May Have Missed

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11 Dec, 2024

This post was originally published on Climate Links

Climatelinks 2024 Year in Review: Resources You May Have Missed
Tue, 12/03/2024 – 15:14

Climatelinks’ resource library curates and archives technical guidance and knowledge related to USAID’s work at the intersection of climate and development. Climatelinks published more than 100 resources this year. Here are a few resources you may have missed in 2024:

Hydrogen Considerations Tree Executive Deck

There is a growing need from Missions and country partners to respond to requests related to hydrogen in the energy sector, including questions about its costs, benefits, and tradeoffs. This “considerations tree” can help stakeholders think through the technical, regulatory, economic, environmental, social, and analytical questions that arise when considering support for hydrogen and its derivatives.

Climate Information Services in Ethiopia – A Key Resilience Capacity for Households and Businesses

Timely access to climate information services can play a key role in enabling producers to manage their livelihoods in the face of uncertainty and mitigate the impact of shocks, but these systems are largely absent in the lowlands of Ethiopia. This learning brief describes how locally driven services for climate and early warning information are being implemented in the region, the impact this is having in terms of household-level decision making, and the challenges of achieving long-term sustainability of these systems.

Floods, Droughts, and Water Security: How is Water Data Critical to Climate Resilience?

Extreme weather events like floods can wash away homes and critical infrastructure and increase the spread of waterborne diseases. On the other hand, droughts can disrupt food systems and food security by resulting in crop failures and livestock die offs. This webinar explored how USAID and NASA are working with partners to use weather and water data for improved climate resilience. 

Climate-Resilient Biodiversity Programming Stocktaking

Measuring Impact II helped USAID review 111 activities over the last 10 years to understand how the Agency’s biodiversity programming is already addressing climate impacts, and to identify practices that can be improved for greater impact. This slide deck presents the results of this stocktaking activity. 

Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services in Support of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: An Evidence Review

Agricultural extension and advisory services (EAS) provided by public, private, and civil society organizations play a crucial role in promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation at scale. This evidence review analyzed over 500 journal articles and other documents and recommended measures to enhance the contribution of EAS to the climate field. 

Do you have a resource you think belongs on Climatelinks? We would love to hear from you! Submit your resource to the Climatelinks team or email us to discuss next steps.

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Climatelinks’ resource library curates and archives technical guidance and knowledge related to USAID’s work at the intersection of climate and development. Climatelinks published more than 100 resources in 2024. Here are a few you may have missed.

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Tue, 12/03/2024 – 12:00


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