
A New Documentary Follows the Ohio Environmentalists Making Paint from Toxic Mining Runoff

07 Nov, 2023

This post was originally published on Colossal

In southeast Ohio, toxic drainage from abandoned coal mines has devastated streams and rivers. The acidic sludge, which is filled with heavy metals, leaches into waterways, destroying ecosystems and turning what should be clear, bluish waters into murky, rust-colored runs. In Athens, home of Ohio University, a Hocking River tributary known as Sunday Creek is a prime example of mining’s harmful effects, with more than two million pounds of iron oxide pouring into the stream each year  A new documentary directed by Jason Whalen visits the area and the team vowing to clean it up.

Toxic Art” follows an unconventional pairing of two Ohio University professors who have teamed up on a project that turns sludge from the stream into pigments for oil paint. A project of the global conservation organization Rivers are Life, the short film shares the story of artist John Sabraw and Guy Riefler, the chair of the Civil Engineering department, who have spent six years developing pigments using iron oxide they collected from the creek.

Riefler explains that conventional treatments are often cost-prohibitive, and so the pair decided that if they could create and sell a commercial product, they could fund clean-up efforts on their own. From there, they helped develop True Pigments, a collaborative project with Gamblin Artist Colors that uses proprietary technology to create vibrant pigments from the toxic material.

“We’ve been refining a process that can continuously treat acid mine drainage, restore a stream for aquatic life, and collect sustainably sourced iron pigment that can be sold offsetting operational costs,” Sabraw told Hyperallergic. “Based on our best estimates, we should be able to create jobs and produce a small profit, while eliminating a perpetual pollution source.”

While primarily comprised of volunteers manually harvesting and processing the materials, the multi-pronged project has now secured $3.5 million in funding to construct a True Pigments facility on the Appalachian site. Once that plant is running, Sabraw estimates that his team will be able to completely restore Sunday Creek, “remove over 6,000 lbs of iron… and theoretically produce 75,000 tubes of paint,” every day. Because that’s a staggering amount of material that would overwhelm the consumer market, the team plans to sell much of their future stock to industrial sources.

Watch “Toxic Art” above to see the innovative pollution-to-pigment pipeline in action, and purchase your own set of reclaimed materials from True Pigments.


yellow gloved hands hold sludge

swirling orange and yellow pigment

Sabraw making pigments in his studio

a gamblin paint tube alongside three vials of dry pigment

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NSW Government introduces food waste mandate

NSW Government introduces food waste mandate

With landfill said to reach capacity in Greater Sydney by 2030, the NSW Government has passed legislation to become the first state to implement a statewide mandate for food organics and garden organics (FOGO) recycling, diverting food waste from landfill into compost.

The legislation mandates FOGO collection services for households by July 2030, and for businesses and institutions in stages from July 2026.

“NSW has ignored the crisis for landfill capacity for too long. We cannot kick this can down the road any longer,” said Minister for Energy Penny Sharpe. “The new FOGO laws mean NSW is leading the nation in combating food waste, becoming the first to mandate this recycling revolution across the state.”

FOGO bins will be rolled out at premises such as supermarkets, pubs, cafes, universities, schools, hotels and hospitals. Large supermarkets will also be required to report on the amounts and types of surplus food donated to charities like OzHarvest, Second Bite and Foodbank.

With FOGO taking up to a third of household red bin capacity, this legislation may help take some pressure off landfill. The new laws are projected to divert up to one million tonnes of organic waste from landfill each year, with most to be transformed into high-quality compost for parks, sporting fields and agriculture, promoting healthier soils and sustainable food production.

With the introduction of this mandate, the government plans to take the state one step closer to a circular economy, where resources are recycled, reused and repurposed.

“The mandate is a good step in the right direction, and it comes after the federal government abandoned its initial target for food organic waste collection, changing it from 2023 to 2030,” said Dr Bhavna Middha, Senior Research Fellow, College of Design and Social Context at RMIT University.

The new laws are backed by a $81 million FOGO Fund to go largely to councils for infrastructure including bins, kitchen caddies and liners, contamination audits, community education programs and staffing, including a $9 million boost in funding allocated to:

$4 million to support implementation in apartments and multi-unit dwellings
$3 million for a statewide advertising campaign to raise awareness and encourage behaviour change
$1 million for councils with existing FOGO services to conduct annual ‘booster’ education campaigns
$1 million for a pilot to tackle contamination hotspots using artificial intelligence.

“The NSW Government doesn’t allow any biodegradable, compostable or bioplastics in food waste or FOGO bins, but fibre-based (paper or newspaper) or compostable plastic kitchen caddy liners that comply with the Australian standard for commercial composting are allowed in kitchen caddies,” Middha said.

“This makes it easier for households to collect and dispose of their food waste into FOGO bins. This also reduces the contamination in food waste as excessive biodegradable products were impacting the safe application of the compost.”

The NSW Environment Protection Authority is working closely with communities, councils and industry to ensure a smooth and effective transition.

A step-by-step Best Practice Guide has also been launched to help councils introduce FOGO and manage contamination risks.

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